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Give your careers programme a lift with Morrisby

As we start the new school year, many will be looking to improve areas of provision.

Careers is often a difficult area, with few choices when it comes to material and lessons. The good news is that Morrisby has recently launched a new resource that may have many of the answers. 

Discover your students 

We’d often like to know what makes our students tick. What better way than to have a standardised psychometric test to reveal the motivations and aspirations of your class?

The base Morrisby product includes assessments to reveal your students’ aspirations, priorities and areas of study interest.

Aspirations and Priorities are typically taken between Y9 and Y10 and Study Interests is normally used to help students with A level and BTEC choices in Y11. 

Schools can also invest in the full Morrisby Profile which provides a comprehensive profile of cognitive ability and has been used in hundreds of schools to help reveal underlying abilities.  

Help with option choices and UCAS 

Career interviews are often a scarce commodity. Morrisby career suggestions can help guide a student towards interesting and suitable careers and courses.

The “What if” functions help these choices to be aspirational as well as realistic. University, college and apprenticeship listings complete the picture, with everything you need to research and firm up next steps.  

Up to date career profiles 

There are hundreds of websites with job listings, but it can be hard to find all the right information in one place, laid out in a way that students can assimilate easily.

Whether it’s job activities, labour market information or the various pathways to that career, with Morrisby it’s all attractively presented.

Most importantly, it’s updated every year by a qualified team of careers advisers. New careers to have appeared in recent years include compliance officer, machine learning engineer and wind turbine engineer. 

Fully equipped with lessons 

It is often difficult to know where to start. We all like a well-formed lesson plan, especially if it comes to us ready-made. 

The good news is that Morrisby comes with 25 lesson plans that span all the key careers activities from Y7-Y13, complete with worksheets, web links and PowerPoint presentations.

Better still, they are already mapped to the PSHE and CDI frameworks as well as the Gatsby Benchmarks. Use them as is or adapt to suit your needs.  

Everything in one place – fewer spreadsheets! 

Talking to people involved in careers it seems that the humble spreadsheet is alive and well.

Whether used for keeping information on which students are interested in topics such as Oxbridge or medicine, or, for example, those who may go NEET or are participating in University Connect programmes, many schools have a lot of separate lists.

Of course, this means that they are largely only visible to the careers administrator and the burden to update them is also centralised.

Instead, why not have all key information – such as participation in events, options and career suggestions, intended destinations and other documents such as a CV, personal statement or academic references all in one place and visible to all stakeholders?

Well, you can with Morrisby.  

What have other schools and students said? 

“It not only helped me understand myself and my learning goals, but it also opened up so many resources and opportunities that I didn’t even know existed” 

Y9 student  

“The sixth form tutors can see the reference, personal statement and university course choices in one place, so it is more cohesive”   

Careers leader

Who is Morrisby? 

Morrisby is a UK, family-run company that was established in 1967. It is completely careers focused and takes quality and the environment very seriously.

It is one of the only careers platform providers to hold the Matrix standard as well as the CDI Career Assured award.  

How do I find out more? 

The friendly people at Morrisby are waiting to hear from you and help understand your needs.

It is simple to book a free demonstration and talk to someone who will have worked with many schools in similar situations.

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